Monday, October 31, 2005


Well its another week, don't really feel up for it - already managed to hand in an assignment short notice this morning, was happy with that, but don't feel like doing much but sit in the glorious sun that is outside at the moment!!

Will go climbing in half an hour, hopefully that will give me some energy, or at least make me feel better for having wasted it!! Want to really push myself a bit, both on and off the wall.

Have had some resolve to do some more photography, perhaps this time with a friend who is as good, if not better than I am. Just now have to think of the shots I want to aim for - think I'll stick with the evening/morning theme and try some scenic ones as well. Any suggestions?

I was just surfing Neo's blog and man its a few posts back now but he was running a from-the-scene report of Cereal Town in turmoil, man it was so so funny, good times!! Cheers Neo!

Man - I think that in my little Green Island in the Pacific I'm not aware of how large the world is, in that there are so many people out there! Cliche I know - but I just took a little blog stroll and read some fantastic stuff. From a hard core Army Chick :) to awesome stories on random train rides! I highly recommend doing it, just to see whats out there - most is wierd but there are pockets of blogs that are pure legend, even LEGICAL!!

I have less than a week before turning 21, I don't know what to think - does it mean that I'm instantly more responsible, though I've been acting above my age for a long time, or does it mean that people think more of me? Am I more available? Less? OR is it just a number?

Why is it we oft think of being someone else? or somewhere else?


Thursday, October 27, 2005

Well thats a Surprise.....

Hey all,
Its Thursday today, the last day I have classes for the week! So many Blessings!
Managed to update some pics onto my sister blog, am actually quite proud of myself, they came out better than I had anticipated!

I went to that store to talk about the shoes that were the wrong size, and as suspected they had only one pair of 10's and they were the '10's' that I had inadvertently been given, that is the 9's!! So was a bit annoyed but they were very helpful and sorted it out for me, I'm now gonna go in today (soon as I finish this blog post) and pick up the ones that they ordered for me. Problem solved, now I can give these new ones to my flat mate, and I can continue to use the ones I've got, which were actually quite good. Though they seemed a little slippery, maybe because they are new.

Feel a bit tired from the climbing on Tuesday and also the workout I had last night, but I shouldn't be, due to it not really being a workout at all, just some small weights, stupid late night.
Anyway I have this Control Systems (Shudder) Lab to finish by the end of today, hopefully I can piece together the stuff I've already done, I'm sure it can't be too hard as I've already got the structure of it in place and all the results from the Lab itself!
Mind you how many times have I said that before?? Too many, maybe I'll learn one day!

I'm getting really excited about the Sky Diving, I really can't believe my friends set it all up for me..... its gonna be fantastic!!

My Quote for the day:
'Motivation is the key to everything, If you can be motivated you can do it!'

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Well Little Holidays are such fun!

Man, the weather of late has been absolutely stunning:) Just now there are few if any clouds in the sky!!
Yesterday was a public holiday so that ment much relaxing at the park and then later at the beach, it was fantastic, didn't get any pics though. Will try and get some developed tomorrow, see how those night shots came out. Yesterday was great, in that I managed to get some rock climbing shoes and a chalk bag! Now my flatmate and I both got them at the same time and it was such a mission, because the store only stocked like one pair of that size. Murphys law states that we'd both need the same size! So fortunately we went to another store and they had a pair. This was great and we then proceeded to get them and go home to enjoy the park/beach/sun. Later on in the evening we were just trying on the shoes again (as I'd already tried the shoes on in the first store) and one pair is a different size! They were too small!! The second store had stupidly given me the pair that had 10's on the packet and they were really 9's AHhh!! Well I'm off to return them, and then see what they are gonna do about it, cos if that's their only pair I'll be pretty angry about it all!!

Am to try the shoes out later too, and my new chalk bag, should be fun.

Anyway as per usual I've got an assignment due later and another due earlier!! And then my favourite maths class later on!!

Oh man, I've just realised I've left my Oakleys at home, brought the case left the oakleys - pain!! Will now have to go around squinting at everthing!!

I'm going skydiving in two weeks, its for my bithday. Will have a party at my place, have a fantastic friend who is helping me with invites and everything, she is awesome. Funny thing is her B'day is like a couple of days later, so will be a fun time all round these next couple of weeks I shouldn't wonder!

Will see how it goes, might post from work but will see!

What makes you enjoy someones company?


Friday, October 21, 2005

I Brought it!!!


Well for those that have just joined us, its a overcast friday, the end of a week!!
Yesterday I had an armwrestling competition, today I've work after some Uni study!

First the arm wrestling comp! It was great, after getting psychd by my professional backup team, thanks guys, I proceeded to the main congregation area at my Uni, everybody was there Because it was lunch time. I had to wait for the lightweight division to do their heats, I was in the middle division 66-89kg (I'm a healthy 70kg), so the lightweights went and it was usual to see someone that just 'happened' to be 66kg beating all the other guys! Then came the first heat for my division, the first two competitors was a guy who looked pretty normal, the other was a guy in a wheelchair. Now I don't know if you personally know anyone in a wheel chair but usually they have to use their Arms all the time, FOR EVERYTHING, so they are strong. And this guy didn't have small arms either. As expected he beat the non descript dude no probs! NExt heat was yours truely, ME, I was against this Indian/middle eastern dude. I got ready, I was a bit nervous but was prepared to go hard, I then just beat him in like half a second. Much to the crowds delight or disgust I'm not sure which. The next heat was a guy I knew and a guy I didn't know, the guy I knew won (actually he was just playing around). And the last heat was this massive Iranian or middle eastern dude, who obviously works out at the gym. I mean he had a jumper on and you could still see his biceps! No surprise he smashed whoever it was that he was wrestling! Then Some heavy weights did their thing and that was quite fun to watch, big dudes struggling to beat each other, funny stuff. Any way I made it to the semi's and faced off against Wheelchair dude! We faced off and I managed to beat him also, much more effort was required to beat him, felt sorry for him afterwards but then realised that he wouldn't want my pity he wanted a good match, which he got. Then the Iranian hulk dude beat my friend, possibly cos he came to the table with a ciggy in his mouth and a lax attitude! So that meant it was yours truely in the final against the Hulk! I thought It was gonna be tough, I started out and proceeded to get pushed right to the brink of losing, I held him there for what seemed like the longest time, finally I fell prey to the Iranian dude, I mean he was supposedly 84kg or something crazy! So all in all I'm pretty happy with 2nd place. Feel pretty sore today though, especially after climbing last night as well!!

Will scarpa back home to get ready for work, a half day will be all good, extra money helps!

Moral of the story: There is, and always will be someone bigger, stronger, faster, smarter and better looking than you.!

Just remeber the flipside to that, there is always someone worse!!
Cheers people~!

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Take the Good with the Bad

Its thursday, the day after work. Catch up day in a lot of ways!

First off there was a little bit of drama on Tuesday night, I had finished my Calc class (or rather it finished me!) and then went out to take some more pics, this time using very slow shutter speeds and taking night shots. Will have to wait and see about those pics. Anyway I took the bus home, listening to my music, which was fun. Till near the end of the Bus route the driver asks me where I'm going, I ask if he is going to this road and he says yes, all good I thought less distance to walk. Then he gets to the end of the route and Says this is the last stop, I'm like "Arn't you going up past that road" he goes "Oh sorry I thought you meant another road". Oh well I thought not a biggie, a little annoying though - I get out of the bus and proceed my little journey to home. Half way home I realise I'm missing something - My Tripod! At which point I do the classic manic 'pat' the pockets routine, as if I was looking for some missing keys. IT WAS A TRIPOD, it can't fit in my pockets, any of them!!!! Anyway I managed to get a good friend to call the office at the depot, and my friend, she is such a Legend, managed to get someone to call the driver and all I had to do was call the depot the next morning from work, all good. I then went to work and called the depot only to reach miss 'I don't know whats going on so nothings gonna happen' She couldn't find the tripod so that naturally meant that it wasn't there and that is all she was gonna do, tell me that its gone and she can't help me. So I went from thinking I'm more than likely to get it back to Probably never gonna see it again! I started to get a bit angry and asked if I could get hold of the driver, she said that she couldn't give out details. Then she said to call back later she would check out the situation, I thanked her. I call back only to find out Yup its definitely not there so sorry Thats definitely all I can do. Well I asked if I could speak to someone else - I got the manager and she said that she would talk to the driver when he got in. I just wanted to know what happened to my tripod. I called back for the third time, and she had talked to the driver and he had it, so they found my tripod. WELL DONE! I'm so glad, I was stressing out and miss unhelpful didn't help!!
The rest of the day on Wednesday was good, saw a preview of the new Photoshop, its pretty amazing!! Got the pics developed, put the good ones on the other site, although I was disapointed with my efforts you gotta take the Good with the Bad.

Today I'm gonna endevour to do well in the comp. Will see if I win something, even If I come last I'll probably get a sympathy prize. After classes today I'm catching my best mate and climbing partner for a climb in the Centre, might just have to climb one handed. Actually though I would love to get that good at climbing that I could pull my own body weight with one arm, that would be pretty impressive, and helpful too!

To take the good with the bad is to see the cup as half full not half empty!

Till later on,

Thought I'd give this blog a Pic from the others I put on the sister site, This ones from the morning, I've adjusted Gamma Contrast etc on this one, I think its awesome!

Sorry its a bid hard to read, but I finally got that 'Peace wall' Neo.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Suppose I'd better!!

Well, you can see the time at the bottom of the post, I should have post this ealier, man I've felt so lethargic towards anything uni. Was having a snooze between lessons and in my half-sleep I realised what sort of ultimatum I have in front of me.
On one hand I have just relax take it easy and be at uni for ever, or just get my head down and do some serious study at home at uni, everywhere!!
I know what I need to do, I don't know what I want to do - wonder if it really matters? No I guess not.
Looks like I'm gonna change some things, like taking work home - I hate that. And making time for the work I need to do, and doing it!

Anyway onto today, its tuesday my favourite day with Maths and all, yay! Apart from the maths thing I've had an okay day I suppose, apart from the mental kick in the pants I gave myself(which I also needed). Went down to the waterfront and took some pics, will get them developed tomorrow, one of the joys of working for a Photo shop discount of developing:) Will see how the shots came out, at the end of the roll (yes a long way from that nice digi yet) I started to play with some settings on my camera. Really appreciated all the interest in my sister Photo site, you guys rock, yes you know who you are!!! Okay Neo, Ellen, Morgs, had to name em'........ thanks hey!! Will be good to get some other pics in there, but am happy with the effort so far.

I just got a text, and it was from (you'd never believe it) the people organising that arm wrestling comp, supposed to be tomorrow, was a whole stupid issue there. Its been postponed till thursday, which means its all on now and I can go!! Could be entertaining, think I'll just go in as the underdog all humble and see how it goes!!

I really don't like staying in the centre late, Might try some night shots with my camera though.
This time of the year gets mad stressful, Exams creeping up soon and all these stupid assignments to test how much you really don't know!

At the moment we are on daylight savings, so its really light outside till 7-7:30 or so which is awesome because I think that we are finally getting into summer, it was so nice and sunny today:)

Well I've work tomorrow, till thursday look after yourselves now you hear? Don't do anything I wouldn't~!!

There was this proverb I was once told "Tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who YOU are!"
And If your friends are some sort of reflection of who you are, how do you look??


Monday, October 17, 2005


Hey Ewes!
Well its Monday, and I thought that would usually mean pleanty of time to lax and do stuff I want to, not stuff I have to!!! Funny that!!
Well I've just spent the last little bit posting a few pics of around the place, from a few trips I've been on, all on my sister pic blog KIWI PICS, the link is on the side if you want a squiz!!

Sorry for the lack of posting on Friday it was nothing short of chaos!!!
Today is but a different day, feels like I've got so very much to do. Will try and get some pics taken of downtown while going to the bank - got to make it entertaining somehow otherwise it becomes like going to the dentist!!

Plan to go climbing later on with a friend, oh wait actually thats pretty soon - got to work on my technique and just in general strength. Might even try something crazy, will tell later if it works or doesn't!!

Got given some disturbing news today, my carrer direction has to be chosen by the end of the year. To make this clear I'm doing engineering this may be apparent - whats not likely to be apparent is the fact that I'm doing Electrical Engineering. Now within Electrical Engineering there are several areas one could major in, I'm planning to major in Telecommunications, but I'm thinking that Power Engineering is also a good option, will have to think and pray hard about this one, need some motivation to get this qualification finished and finished well because at the moment thats not happening!!

Well Till tomorrow, will leave you with a story from work, a cool chinese guy I work with says some funny stuff every now and again. On saturday something was about to fall over and he meant to say "watch out its wobbling!" instead he said "watch out its wambaling!" It was great, he is such fun to work with, we always laugh at each others little sayings etc.!! Good Fun!

To your best friends stay true, it will only repay you many times over!


Thursday, October 13, 2005


Well I wont be posting after the arm wrestling competition, the thing has just been postponed now, like an hour away from it. Well organised it doesn't exactly seem!!
And its been postponed till Wednesday, the day that I work and cannot go. Looks like it was never meant to be - maybe I just couldn't handle the glory or shame that would have ensued!!?
Anyway I can't believe it, sorry guys, could have been a funny story!

Off to class, least Thursday's are free feeds at lunch time, I just hope that we get a sausage sizzle as oppose to a soup kitchen thingy!!

Deflated, I feel so very deflated,

I'm ready are you???

Well its thursday, which is a good thing.
As said by a good looking friend of mine - "I'm so glad its thursday, after today there is only tomorrow till the weekend" So very true :)

Well its A day, Armwrestling day today - I'm thinking that I'll get some hulk again to wrestle!! But I'm ready are you???
Have this thought, Might start up a sister blog - only devoted to photos that I've taken, my life as it stands...... Will see about that one!

He he, will find out about that dumb Control Systems paper and the crazy stupid test that I took for it!

Will have a study to go to tonight - I'm gonna have to stand up in front of the rest of the guys in the group and do my relational diagram, mmmm which means that I should be using it everyday.

Man anyone out there have a free awesome digital SLR - maybe I should choose a different carrer path, maybe Engineering isn't for me? Then again my wise mother (aren't they always?) said that I've worked so hard and its just a matter of getting through 'that wall'! I Love my parents, they've given me more than they'd ever know:)

Maybe this time right now is not for me - its for others.

Probably try and post after competition, will tell you all how it went, If its a small post you'll know it was only one with one hand ;p


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Well, that was Crazy!!

Its another day, my nasty long one at that!
The day yesterday was crazy, I ended up writing and then typing like a mad lout right till I had to hand in that Project, eek man it was mental. I handed in something though, and all things considered it wasn't too bad. Today I'll spend some time finishing off that Maths assignment and then its all good. Probably have a sleep in the Library, actually there is this lady there that always seems to be there the same time as me. I pretty sure she thinks I have a sleeping disorder or something, because I'm always sleeping when she is there!!
Which brings me to a point that a wise friend told me today that we shouldn't always stick to or get stuck in one routine during our week, it isn't safe in a number of ways!!

He He, just remembered I've an armwrestling comp on thursday, should be quite fun. Last year I also participated but only when 'Kevin' or whatever his name was stepped out of the crowd I wasn't expecting a bodybuilder asian dude in my weight division!! At least I gave him a run for his money, made everybody laugh. (think I'll just tell myself the laughter was aimed at him)

Will bring my Camera to Uni this week, hopefully get a pic of that peace wall for Neo. Might scan some other pics, get a better one for my profile and post some more of random stuff - now have to decide what to post and why.

All in all today should be good except for the length and percentage of it being maths!!

Got given a link to this guy Corey, does adventure photography and its amazing actually Got it from a Good guy who does al sorts of Photography: Blaine Franger and he's a neat guy - if you want to see some amazing shots check out these links.

Anyway, till Thursday!

Monday, October 10, 2005

Woah there!!!

Hey big ups for Neo, managed to help me to get a pic in my profile, yeah its a random one I know but its the only one on hand at this point (have no fear will try for a better one soon).

Anyway I'm stressing out big time, can't even tpey straight !!! ITs this stupid project, might post twice today, a short note now to show how unbeliveably stressed I am and one later to tell you all the damage!!!

Caught my parents and little sister, made her cry without even doing anything - once again reminds me I'm definitely not ready for kids!! But it was really nice and she is really cute and we talked (my family) for a long while then well past midnight my brother and I decided we'd better go. At like 12:30am we were driving through this little 'resort' town in which my Grandmother lives and where my brother and I were meeting my family. (I actually think its not a resort town but it is a nice seaside town) We needed petrol, and none of the stations were open, it was crazy - it forced us to drive through the main street, which at this time was dead. Then what happens but these three, most likely drunken louts, stumble out onto the road in front of us. I mean they came from no-where, then we realised hey that young girl and guy are beating the other young guy up!!! This was highly disturbing as the victim fell cold to the ground (the road), probably a mixture of alcohol and the beating he was recieving. To our horror these other young persons start violently kicking this dude. My bro toot's his horn and we start calling the cops. To cut a long story short, this cop comes and my bro says 'hey we were just passing through my car is over there (points)' to which the cop says 'Oh so then you weren't just passing through were you?' I couldn't believe my ears, here we were trying to stop some stupid eggs from hurting some other stupid egg and this cop comes out to insinuate that we are involved somehow. We explained what we saw, the drunk beat up and retarded young people dissapered into a home they were obviously having a party at, and the cop proceeded to change his attitude towards us!!! CRAZY STUPID YOUNG PEOPLE!!!!

Anyway, that helped a little but still feel sick.
Till the damage report later!

Thursday, October 06, 2005


These are shots of me on the roof from the floor. Was bit nervous as my Climbing partner was taking pictures as well as belaying me!! You can see the rope going back down the wall through the quick-draws (trust me they are there!)

Oh and Maybe someone can tell me how to get a pic in my profile, I can get em here but not there!


This is the Roof climb from the Top (was tricky to get this shot:) the short thingy's with clips on them that are hanging down at the top of the pic, are in fact Quick-Draws and they are what you clip the rope into as you climb further up the wall. The climb is from the floor straight up that wall and onto roof coming towards you.

This is the Fabled Roof climb, staring straight up at the roof from the floor, the climb goes litterally straight up then onto the Roof:)

Nearly over!

Mmmm, its thursday which means only today and friday to finish this 'Project and Assignment!
I must admit I did some of the Calculus assignment at work yesterday, I'm not so sure it was such a wise thing. Yes it got partly done, but man did it mess with my head!! I think that sort of maths requires full attention otherwise it punishes you mentally.

Feel a bit lost right now.......... could just as easily be in another country having fun............ suppose that I could be in this country having fun........... ok then that was easy.

Will see my family, who I havn't seen in a bit, on Friday. Should be really nice. Will see how my baby sister is doing. She is probably gonna grow up not really knowing me, which is a little sad. Guess that's as much my fault as any other. Distance never helps though.

Tonight will go to this Nav group study, learn more of how to be an 'insider'. Yes we are all supposed to be insiders. I'm desperatley trying not to be an SAS Christian!!

I'm gonna go over to the scanner now and try my hand at getting some pics of me climbing uploaded, could be interesting............. see how it goes!

Till then........... don't hold your breath!

Monday, October 03, 2005

Last week of supposed Holidays!!

Well hello, a big thanks to those who posted, tis much appreciated. I know I'm lucky to have such hoildays.

Anyways, climbing went well and even decided to punish myself by going running afterwards, and doing a stupid amount of press ups!!
Now I'm thinking that I need to do this Engineering Management Project, only its for that lecturer who couldn't spell smart (twice) so obviously have this false sense of security, guess that will change when I take a look at it! Got to spend some time with this not so evil calculus as well!!

Best be off, just a little story: The main street of my city is an interesting one we'll call it Crazy st, proven by the fact that I walked it four times today (Yes that is a few) whilst looking for a good price for a particular CD, anyway the thing is that everytime that I walked down or up I seemed to get acosted by foriegn Chicks toting meditation and sprituality books, now I'm more than happy with where I'm at spritually. I know what I believe and it sets me free, why is it that they can't get this without you buying or donating to get their books??? I hope I didn't come off arrogant, I accept they are entitled to their opinion I just disagree. Its all about a personal relationship with Christ all else is just mans folly. Once there was a desk that had inscribed on it 'God is dead, Neitchze' then inscribed underneath 'Neitchze is dead, God'.
The choice is always yours.
The last time I walked up (there must have been like three of those girls, I think that I nearly got them all) I managed to miss the Meditation Book Girls only to see a very large lady who its hard to describe without disturbing you all, so I won't, lets just say it was disturbing!! The Disturbing lady then asked me if anyone wants a boyfriend???? I was like Huh? Its gonna take like a week to recover from that one!!!! CRAZY STUPID STREET!!!

Now its just relax and stop procrastinating about that homework!
See ya (is that spelt ok Robert:)