Monday, October 17, 2005


Hey Ewes!
Well its Monday, and I thought that would usually mean pleanty of time to lax and do stuff I want to, not stuff I have to!!! Funny that!!
Well I've just spent the last little bit posting a few pics of around the place, from a few trips I've been on, all on my sister pic blog KIWI PICS, the link is on the side if you want a squiz!!

Sorry for the lack of posting on Friday it was nothing short of chaos!!!
Today is but a different day, feels like I've got so very much to do. Will try and get some pics taken of downtown while going to the bank - got to make it entertaining somehow otherwise it becomes like going to the dentist!!

Plan to go climbing later on with a friend, oh wait actually thats pretty soon - got to work on my technique and just in general strength. Might even try something crazy, will tell later if it works or doesn't!!

Got given some disturbing news today, my carrer direction has to be chosen by the end of the year. To make this clear I'm doing engineering this may be apparent - whats not likely to be apparent is the fact that I'm doing Electrical Engineering. Now within Electrical Engineering there are several areas one could major in, I'm planning to major in Telecommunications, but I'm thinking that Power Engineering is also a good option, will have to think and pray hard about this one, need some motivation to get this qualification finished and finished well because at the moment thats not happening!!

Well Till tomorrow, will leave you with a story from work, a cool chinese guy I work with says some funny stuff every now and again. On saturday something was about to fall over and he meant to say "watch out its wobbling!" instead he said "watch out its wambaling!" It was great, he is such fun to work with, we always laugh at each others little sayings etc.!! Good Fun!

To your best friends stay true, it will only repay you many times over!



At 5:44 AM, Blogger Ellen said...

Cheers to your sister site... you have such a good eye for snapping pictures!

Best of luck on your career decision... it is not an easy task
to decide where life will take you when you are just 20. Just remember, every journey starts with the first step... and you are still young enough to start over at any time.
Keep your friends and family in your heart... all the rest will fall into place... but then you know that already.

At 6:07 AM, Blogger Neo said...

Kiwi - So can you fix my toaster with that degree?

Yeah props on your new blog. Nice picts!

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Kiwi (no not the fruit!) said...

Ellen, thanks again, It feels awesome to get a picture back that looks good.

As for the career choice will go about it prayerfully and see how it turns out.

Neo - Ha! Well I could walk you through it, whats the problem?? Actually toasters don't like me, when I was younger I had a metal butter knife and I thought that It'd be cool to toast this little piece of bread on the end of the knife. After blowing the toaster up I learned that the elements ARE LIVE!! Silly BOY!!!
Cheers again!

At 12:50 PM, Blogger Neo said...

Kiwi - I was just kidding bro.

Your experience with the toaster reminds me of the dare I got one year where somebody dared me to stick my tongue to a metal pole after a snow storm.

Man that hurt!

At 3:31 PM, Blogger Kiwi (no not the fruit!) said...

Morgs - Cheers, glad you enjoyed the pics, will really endevour to get some more on here.
Actually I help out with a few friends electronical issues, but I'm thinking after 5 years of Uni study(nasty) I'll be able to justify staying away from em'!! Plus nowadays nothing is made to be fixed in the consumer market!! ITS ALL PLASTIC AND GLUE AND LITTLE CHIPS YOU CANT EAT!!!
Sounds like the blender could be terminal??

Neo - you scared me man, I thought I'd have to land you by intercom - could have been tragic!!! :)
Ohh thats nasty, actually that reminds me of once I burned myself on a soldering iron, was really stupid cos I just grabbed it not thinking, but whats stupider is I said to the guy beside me "you have to be real tough to do that" he then proceeded to burn himself on the iron - needless to say I didn't feel so bad after that!!!

At 6:02 AM, Blogger Neo said...

Kiwi - Yeah gotta love those soldering gun burns. I used to get those when I was into my CB (Citizens Band) radio days.

I did a similar burn job with my crock pot a few weeks back. Talk about stinging pain!

Man, that hurt.


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