Thursday, October 13, 2005


Well I wont be posting after the arm wrestling competition, the thing has just been postponed now, like an hour away from it. Well organised it doesn't exactly seem!!
And its been postponed till Wednesday, the day that I work and cannot go. Looks like it was never meant to be - maybe I just couldn't handle the glory or shame that would have ensued!!?
Anyway I can't believe it, sorry guys, could have been a funny story!

Off to class, least Thursday's are free feeds at lunch time, I just hope that we get a sausage sizzle as oppose to a soup kitchen thingy!!

Deflated, I feel so very deflated,


At 3:26 PM, Blogger Colin Franger said...


Greetings Kiwi man. My name is Colin Franger. I am Blaine(the horse picture guys) brother. I live in Bend oregon. If you are ever in the states you should come here and climb at Smith Rocks with me, or have a cup of tea and share the love of Jesus with each other. Your choice.

Colin Franger

At 7:21 AM, Blogger Neo said...

Kiwi - Sorry to hear about your thumb wrestling comp being canceled.

Oh wait, i'm sorry arm wrestling :p

Hey at least it's Friday there!

We still got one day to go here in Philly!

At 8:12 AM, Blogger Ellen said...

Hmmm.... you might have prayed a little too hard there, Kiwi, and wished it all away altogether.
Only kidding, of course. This just gives you time to work out that arm muscle, which might have been the plan all along.

At 12:05 PM, Blogger Kiwi (no not the fruit!) said...

Colin - Thanks so much for stopping by, would appreciate that so much, I am actually planning a road trip, which will be great. Its a few years off yet(UNI)!
Would be a privaledge to share with you!

Hey Neo - At least you still got Sunday, its Monday already here :(

Ellen - MMmm, maybe your right, think I should be a bit more carefull about that sort of thing:)


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