Thursday, October 06, 2005


These are shots of me on the roof from the floor. Was bit nervous as my Climbing partner was taking pictures as well as belaying me!! You can see the rope going back down the wall through the quick-draws (trust me they are there!)

Oh and Maybe someone can tell me how to get a pic in my profile, I can get em here but not there!


At 6:09 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Is this climb set-up n the building a club you pay to go in, like climbing lessons at the YMCA? Or can anyone just go do it free, whenever, like public tennis courts?
I've never been in anything like it. Very interesting...

At 8:44 AM, Blogger Neo said...

Kiwi - That looks like a pretty tough gig.

I have a stupid question though.

(Not to sound gross)

But, what do you do if you're halfway up there, and you gotta go to the bathroom really bad?

Is there like an emergency climber group that gets the alarm siren like the fire department to come run out and quickly pull you up?


Just asking

At 12:18 PM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

after sign in on the dashboard, click on "edit profile"
scroll down to where it says "photogragh' with a blank text box, put in the url of the photo, may need to be on an existing web site,
I've a free website, at (sometimes the pic won't show, or try or try to google another free one.)
usually ya need to set up a new email acct.

At 12:20 PM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Neo- Ever hear of "repel?"

At 12:36 PM, Blogger Kiwi (no not the fruit!) said...

Snaggle - Yeah its a building set up soley for Rock climbing (indoor). You pay to get in, its cheaper if you have your own gear. There is a few in the City, I go to some others as well. I havn't quite graduated to outdoor climbs! (no not really, just havn't got the gear to do it yet)

Neo - Nice Q:) Well have you seen the movie 'Vertical Limit'? (by the way that mountain is Mt Cook here in NZ:) There at the start of the movie where the father gets cut off the rope...........Well I carry a sharp knife with me........ No not really IF you is busting that much I think that my belayer can just drop me to the floor in a second. Although I can't say that the jolt at the bottom will do the bladder any good!!!

At 12:38 PM, Blogger Kiwi (no not the fruit!) said...

Oh and yes its quite tough, although its more a mental game you play than physical!!

Thanks also for the tips on the Photo profile:) Will try when I get an okay photo of me, might take awhile!

At 4:54 AM, Blogger Neo said...

Kiwi & Snag - Actually it's easier to do that finding another host.

If you create a blog post at a date before you officially started your blog. Just upload the picture you'd like to use to that entry (ie, make up a date before your first post)

Then, copy out the link from your code after the photo upload. Paste that into your dashboard, and bingo, you're all set.

At 8:12 AM, Blogger Kiwi (no not the fruit!) said...

Cheers for that, now will try and do it, gotta get a better pic of me too, anyways thanks Neo your a legend.

At 12:50 PM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Wow, that's what the change post time in the edit does.... tanx Neo.
wonder if I do that if it'll upload 2 u better...

So that's what ya look like from the front side!

At 12:04 PM, Blogger Neo said...

Kiwi - There ya go. Not a problem.

Thanks for answer that question about the bathroom issue. I know it's kinda corny, but hey someone has to ask it!


At 12:05 PM, Blogger Neo said...

Snag - HA!

At 12:27 PM, Blogger Kiwi (no not the fruit!) said...

He he, its so true how often have I done that climb and been near the top and wondered if I should have gone before hand!!!


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