Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Well, that was Crazy!!

Its another day, my nasty long one at that!
The day yesterday was crazy, I ended up writing and then typing like a mad lout right till I had to hand in that Project, eek man it was mental. I handed in something though, and all things considered it wasn't too bad. Today I'll spend some time finishing off that Maths assignment and then its all good. Probably have a sleep in the Library, actually there is this lady there that always seems to be there the same time as me. I pretty sure she thinks I have a sleeping disorder or something, because I'm always sleeping when she is there!!
Which brings me to a point that a wise friend told me today that we shouldn't always stick to or get stuck in one routine during our week, it isn't safe in a number of ways!!

He He, just remembered I've an armwrestling comp on thursday, should be quite fun. Last year I also participated but only when 'Kevin' or whatever his name was stepped out of the crowd I wasn't expecting a bodybuilder asian dude in my weight division!! At least I gave him a run for his money, made everybody laugh. (think I'll just tell myself the laughter was aimed at him)

Will bring my Camera to Uni this week, hopefully get a pic of that peace wall for Neo. Might scan some other pics, get a better one for my profile and post some more of random stuff - now have to decide what to post and why.

All in all today should be good except for the length and percentage of it being maths!!

Got given a link to this guy Corey, does adventure photography and its amazing actually http://www.coreyography.com Got it from a Good guy who does al sorts of Photography: Blaine Franger and he's a neat guy - if you want to see some amazing shots check out these links. http://www.blainefranger.com

Anyway, till Thursday!


At 10:04 AM, Blogger Ellen said...

Kiwi- tough stuff that math is, huh? Only too glad that calculators were invented.
Also- remember the crowd wasn't laughing at you... they were laughing WITH you. That's always my motto, and it takes the sting out of feeling foolish under any circumstances.

At 10:47 AM, Blogger Kiwi (no not the fruit!) said...

Thanks Ellen, its a good thing calulators were invented:) Makes me shudder to think of the stuff we do now, without em' it truely would be nasty!!!
Thanks, I think that they were laughing with me, only I wasn't laughing....... I got disqaulified cos he was wrestling weirdly!!! Funny stuff!

At 12:17 PM, Blogger Neo said...

Kiwi - I say get those naps where ya can. The library is usually quiet enough, just stick your head behind a book and snooze.

Btw, awesome links. Those photo's were top notch!

At 12:21 PM, Blogger Kiwi (no not the fruit!) said...

True, think its a place of solace - suppose its good for doing some work too.

No prob's Those Rock climbing pics are what I aspire to shoot..... oh and be able to climb that good too!! LOL :)

At 6:27 AM, Blogger Neo said...

Kiwi - Yeah, I'd imagine photo's from the top of some of those mountains would look amazing.

I'm looking forward to getting some nice shots of the trees leaves turning here in Philly soon.

At 6:30 AM, Blogger Ellen said...

Ah yes, power naps. I know only too well about those. I find that I can only sleep an average of 4-5 hours at night, but need the 10-30 minutes in the afternoon just to chill out away from the world.
You have to catch those zzzz's whenever you can.

At 7:41 AM, Blogger Kiwi (no not the fruit!) said...

Neo - Yeah Autumn is brilliant, the colours(yes thats how its really spelt:) are always amazing!!
look forward to your shots as well:)

Ellen - the fabled power naps, they are but the saving grace of my life, Many a day (usually tuesdays) have I needed one to get through the day mentally intact, unsure if thats worked or not!!

At 8:15 AM, Blogger Neo said...

Kiwi - Yeah in a few more weeks the tree should be ripe for the photo's.

Btw, mentally speaking, if you're chatting with American's you can't be too right in the head. :p

just kiddin :)

At 8:29 AM, Blogger Kiwi (no not the fruit!) said...

HA HA, yeah true dat!!!

No, its fun to see how you guys interact and discuss things!! Its funny how stupidity is Multigender and Muilticulteral hey?? Think its God's way of showing us that we are but human!! :)


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