Friday, October 21, 2005

I Brought it!!!


Well for those that have just joined us, its a overcast friday, the end of a week!!
Yesterday I had an armwrestling competition, today I've work after some Uni study!

First the arm wrestling comp! It was great, after getting psychd by my professional backup team, thanks guys, I proceeded to the main congregation area at my Uni, everybody was there Because it was lunch time. I had to wait for the lightweight division to do their heats, I was in the middle division 66-89kg (I'm a healthy 70kg), so the lightweights went and it was usual to see someone that just 'happened' to be 66kg beating all the other guys! Then came the first heat for my division, the first two competitors was a guy who looked pretty normal, the other was a guy in a wheelchair. Now I don't know if you personally know anyone in a wheel chair but usually they have to use their Arms all the time, FOR EVERYTHING, so they are strong. And this guy didn't have small arms either. As expected he beat the non descript dude no probs! NExt heat was yours truely, ME, I was against this Indian/middle eastern dude. I got ready, I was a bit nervous but was prepared to go hard, I then just beat him in like half a second. Much to the crowds delight or disgust I'm not sure which. The next heat was a guy I knew and a guy I didn't know, the guy I knew won (actually he was just playing around). And the last heat was this massive Iranian or middle eastern dude, who obviously works out at the gym. I mean he had a jumper on and you could still see his biceps! No surprise he smashed whoever it was that he was wrestling! Then Some heavy weights did their thing and that was quite fun to watch, big dudes struggling to beat each other, funny stuff. Any way I made it to the semi's and faced off against Wheelchair dude! We faced off and I managed to beat him also, much more effort was required to beat him, felt sorry for him afterwards but then realised that he wouldn't want my pity he wanted a good match, which he got. Then the Iranian hulk dude beat my friend, possibly cos he came to the table with a ciggy in his mouth and a lax attitude! So that meant it was yours truely in the final against the Hulk! I thought It was gonna be tough, I started out and proceeded to get pushed right to the brink of losing, I held him there for what seemed like the longest time, finally I fell prey to the Iranian dude, I mean he was supposedly 84kg or something crazy! So all in all I'm pretty happy with 2nd place. Feel pretty sore today though, especially after climbing last night as well!!

Will scarpa back home to get ready for work, a half day will be all good, extra money helps!

Moral of the story: There is, and always will be someone bigger, stronger, faster, smarter and better looking than you.!

Just remeber the flipside to that, there is always someone worse!!
Cheers people~!


At 1:54 PM, Blogger Ellen said...

You are now bestowed with the silver medal... congrats! Pretty darn good that you could still post after the sore arm... what a trooper!
Cheers to you, Kiwi!

At 4:13 PM, Blogger Neo said...

kiwi - Cgrats. We knew you'd whoop some ass. Cheers for bringing it. You're a winner to us.

Neo gives Kiwi the high five

At 7:26 PM, Blogger Using up the words.... said...

Hey Kiwi... had to stop by after Neo told me th exciting news that he knew of another kiwi out there! hehe.

Hope you have an awesome, somewhat relaxing weekend!

Be blessed!

At 12:11 PM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

All that climbing seems to've paid off with alot of physical strength for your size, and a prize of public acclaim for ya, congrats! I'm impressed ya got so far, wow! Now all the audience knows not to mess with ya too!

At 9:27 AM, Blogger Kiwi (no not the fruit!) said...

morgs - Thanks it was so intense, yeah yeah he was massive, ok not sooooo massive but he was bigger than me!! It was crack up cos he was making random sounds like it was a really hard fight for him, funny.

Ellen - I graciously bow to accept the silver medal:) Yeah they build em' tough over here in NZ ;p

Neo - Yeah, all I could think whilst arm westling my arm off was "I gotta just keep bringing it"!! Little disapointed I had Hulk man in the final but I guess its to keep me humble and keen to strive for better!

*kiwi winces as Neo high fived kiwi's arm wrestling hand*

Using - Cheers for that, and cheers for stopping by, the Kiwi's are always welcome in this neighbourhood!! weekend was def relaxing thanks!

Snag - thanks:) He he, yeah I really wonder what the crowed thought!!

Jags - First off thanks for skipping over:) Will have to thank Neo later!
How is the guitar playing going?
Tell me, your lying about your age arn't you???
If you want check out my photo blog, its linked on the side. Its nothing flash I warn you though just a few pics from over here!Thanks again for saying Hi! Stop by anytime!


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