Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Suppose I'd better!!

Well, you can see the time at the bottom of the post, I should have post this ealier, man I've felt so lethargic towards anything uni. Was having a snooze between lessons and in my half-sleep I realised what sort of ultimatum I have in front of me.
On one hand I have just relax take it easy and be at uni for ever, or just get my head down and do some serious study at home at uni, everywhere!!
I know what I need to do, I don't know what I want to do - wonder if it really matters? No I guess not.
Looks like I'm gonna change some things, like taking work home - I hate that. And making time for the work I need to do, and doing it!

Anyway onto today, its tuesday my favourite day with Maths and all, yay! Apart from the maths thing I've had an okay day I suppose, apart from the mental kick in the pants I gave myself(which I also needed). Went down to the waterfront and took some pics, will get them developed tomorrow, one of the joys of working for a Photo shop discount of developing:) Will see how the shots came out, at the end of the roll (yes a long way from that nice digi yet) I started to play with some settings on my camera. Really appreciated all the interest in my sister Photo site, you guys rock, yes you know who you are!!! Okay Neo, Ellen, Morgs, had to name em'........ thanks hey!! Will be good to get some other pics in there, but am happy with the effort so far.

I just got a text, and it was from (you'd never believe it) the people organising that arm wrestling comp, supposed to be tomorrow, was a whole stupid issue there. Its been postponed till thursday, which means its all on now and I can go!! Could be entertaining, think I'll just go in as the underdog all humble and see how it goes!!

I really don't like staying in the centre late, Might try some night shots with my camera though.
This time of the year gets mad stressful, Exams creeping up soon and all these stupid assignments to test how much you really don't know!

At the moment we are on daylight savings, so its really light outside till 7-7:30 or so which is awesome because I think that we are finally getting into summer, it was so nice and sunny today:)

Well I've work tomorrow, till thursday look after yourselves now you hear? Don't do anything I wouldn't~!!

There was this proverb I was once told "Tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who YOU are!"
And If your friends are some sort of reflection of who you are, how do you look??



At 6:06 AM, Blogger Neo said...

Kiwi - While checking out my reflection the mirror broke, so now what do I do? ;)

Seriously though, good luck with the arm wresting competition. Just do you think and don't let anyone intimidate you.

As for school, remember one thing. Make sure you know what you want in the future. Not necessarily what you think you want now.

I know you're 20, so this might not be as clear to you. Take it from someone that wanted to go kick the world's ass at 19. It takes time before you truly figure out where you want to be. Not just today, but tomorrow.


At 10:01 AM, Blogger Ellen said...

Kiwi- My Mom used to quote that proverb to me all the time when I was a kid.... hadn't thought about it in years. It took me a while, and growing up, to figure out what she meant.

Best of luck with the competition,
kick butt, take names and win the gold... we're routing for you!

Neo- Right on with the advise! Wished I was told that when I was 20.... it might have saved me a lot of mistakes.

The only thing I ever learned out of it all was to be sure I knew how to re-invent myself as we live in an everchanging world.

At 2:51 PM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

hi, I'm all read up now, checked photos site last night, just so much to read all at once, missing a week on here's like being a text-book behind in all classes!

My dad was an electronic's engineer. I have all his old uni books. Sometimes they're very funny cause they're so old-tech-world. I was always impressed when he fixed up the busted TV's n radios. He couldn't do plumbing though. Can't be good at everything... He designed transformers.
Telecommunications the section or the devices we use didn't even exist when he was deciding. At least try to choose what gadgets ya like, or are most curious about to design.
You can always learn different options later on your own if ya set your mind to it. Knowing how to learn and sticking to it are the only skills needed, besides books. Schools just better at making ya hurry up at it!

Just hope ya can still write after the arm pulling...

At 3:02 PM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

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At 9:18 AM, Blogger Kiwi (no not the fruit!) said...

HA - Neo you are such the crack up:) Well, I'm sure there is a good friend that you can see yourself in?? Anyway I'm no good with glass, electronics maybe, def not glass (stupid super-cooled liquid).
Will remain staunch hey, I'm gonna Just Bring It in the comp:) ! Will post afterwards, oh wait I said that exact thing last time!!

Yeah true enuff about the future, I still have to live withmyself in the present too. I Want a respectable job, although I'm just thinking if its necessarily Engineering. Think that my personality is carazzzy!!
Thanks for the advice tho, appreciate it! I eagerly await tomorrow!

Cheers Neo!

Ellen - I will represent!! As for the advice, I'm sure we all recieve useful and needed advice at this sort of age (20 odd), its what we do with it thats up to us!! I think its actually wisdom that we really need(ed) at this age!
Thanks for the advice, Will endevour to be flexible like that, cos your right things change, people change and if we don't we just get left by the wayside!!!

Snag - U back! I agree with the feeling of being behind, I have to work Wednesdays and its just one day but I always seem so behind when I check out the blogs and email, I blame Neo for this though!! He's always bringing it, ALWAYS!!
Thats great about your dad, he was a Power Engineer, one of the options I'm thinking of pursuing.
Yeah thanks thats why I thought about Telecomms, just at the end of the day want all this effort (kind of) to be worth it.

He he, yup will see how the writing and rock climbing go after the comp!


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