Thursday, October 20, 2005

Take the Good with the Bad

Its thursday, the day after work. Catch up day in a lot of ways!

First off there was a little bit of drama on Tuesday night, I had finished my Calc class (or rather it finished me!) and then went out to take some more pics, this time using very slow shutter speeds and taking night shots. Will have to wait and see about those pics. Anyway I took the bus home, listening to my music, which was fun. Till near the end of the Bus route the driver asks me where I'm going, I ask if he is going to this road and he says yes, all good I thought less distance to walk. Then he gets to the end of the route and Says this is the last stop, I'm like "Arn't you going up past that road" he goes "Oh sorry I thought you meant another road". Oh well I thought not a biggie, a little annoying though - I get out of the bus and proceed my little journey to home. Half way home I realise I'm missing something - My Tripod! At which point I do the classic manic 'pat' the pockets routine, as if I was looking for some missing keys. IT WAS A TRIPOD, it can't fit in my pockets, any of them!!!! Anyway I managed to get a good friend to call the office at the depot, and my friend, she is such a Legend, managed to get someone to call the driver and all I had to do was call the depot the next morning from work, all good. I then went to work and called the depot only to reach miss 'I don't know whats going on so nothings gonna happen' She couldn't find the tripod so that naturally meant that it wasn't there and that is all she was gonna do, tell me that its gone and she can't help me. So I went from thinking I'm more than likely to get it back to Probably never gonna see it again! I started to get a bit angry and asked if I could get hold of the driver, she said that she couldn't give out details. Then she said to call back later she would check out the situation, I thanked her. I call back only to find out Yup its definitely not there so sorry Thats definitely all I can do. Well I asked if I could speak to someone else - I got the manager and she said that she would talk to the driver when he got in. I just wanted to know what happened to my tripod. I called back for the third time, and she had talked to the driver and he had it, so they found my tripod. WELL DONE! I'm so glad, I was stressing out and miss unhelpful didn't help!!
The rest of the day on Wednesday was good, saw a preview of the new Photoshop, its pretty amazing!! Got the pics developed, put the good ones on the other site, although I was disapointed with my efforts you gotta take the Good with the Bad.

Today I'm gonna endevour to do well in the comp. Will see if I win something, even If I come last I'll probably get a sympathy prize. After classes today I'm catching my best mate and climbing partner for a climb in the Centre, might just have to climb one handed. Actually though I would love to get that good at climbing that I could pull my own body weight with one arm, that would be pretty impressive, and helpful too!

To take the good with the bad is to see the cup as half full not half empty!

Till later on,


At 10:35 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Also, a half-full glass is less likely to spill while you're moving. My question is, what kind of liquid's in the glass, like if it's Tiquila, n the glass is half full cause ya drank the top off, ya might spill it, anyways!

Good luck with the comp n the "participant prize."

At 10:57 AM, Blogger Ellen said...

I can always send another virtual eraser, if need be. Take care and best of luck in the competition!
Your personal cheerleaders are already lined up to cheer you on through!

Also- thank goodness about the tripod... certainly something to freak out over when its gone and "nobody" can help you. It's nice to see that the driver was a stand-up guy. You don't always find that, and you got super lucky.

At 5:29 PM, Blogger Kiwi (no not the fruit!) said...

HA ha, thanks guys:) Snag - so true!

Ellen - thanks I may just need another one :) I think the cheerleaders did something right cos I made it right through to the final!! Will post about it soon. Yeah glad to have the tripod back -once again the Big Man upstairs looking out for me I think!

Morgs - Thanks it was a bit deflating to think yeah I got my tripod and then the very next second realise that actually someone else has it!!! Funny stuff, its so stupid cos in my mind I'm furiously looking for it - maybe I thought that if I'd checked enough of my pockets enough times it would have appeared!!! Cheers, you have a good one too hey!

At 6:05 AM, Blogger Neo said...

Did someone say alcohol?

Neo sniffs around...

Kiwi - Too funny that you checked your pockets. I got the visual on that.

I could picture you smacking yourself in the head saing DOH!

I hate losing stuff too!

Good luck with the comp.

At 10:27 AM, Blogger Kiwi (no not the fruit!) said...

Hey Neo - were you there too?? Sounds like you were watching me, I so did the smack the head "DOH!"
Felt like such the retard, just cos I'd had a few words to the driver about not getting home if I'd connected..... but thats beside the by, I'm glad I got it back!!

At 9:45 AM, Blogger Neo said...

Kiwi - LOL


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