Thursday, October 27, 2005

Well thats a Surprise.....

Hey all,
Its Thursday today, the last day I have classes for the week! So many Blessings!
Managed to update some pics onto my sister blog, am actually quite proud of myself, they came out better than I had anticipated!

I went to that store to talk about the shoes that were the wrong size, and as suspected they had only one pair of 10's and they were the '10's' that I had inadvertently been given, that is the 9's!! So was a bit annoyed but they were very helpful and sorted it out for me, I'm now gonna go in today (soon as I finish this blog post) and pick up the ones that they ordered for me. Problem solved, now I can give these new ones to my flat mate, and I can continue to use the ones I've got, which were actually quite good. Though they seemed a little slippery, maybe because they are new.

Feel a bit tired from the climbing on Tuesday and also the workout I had last night, but I shouldn't be, due to it not really being a workout at all, just some small weights, stupid late night.
Anyway I have this Control Systems (Shudder) Lab to finish by the end of today, hopefully I can piece together the stuff I've already done, I'm sure it can't be too hard as I've already got the structure of it in place and all the results from the Lab itself!
Mind you how many times have I said that before?? Too many, maybe I'll learn one day!

I'm getting really excited about the Sky Diving, I really can't believe my friends set it all up for me..... its gonna be fantastic!!

My Quote for the day:
'Motivation is the key to everything, If you can be motivated you can do it!'


At 11:06 AM, Blogger Ellen said...

Trust me, Kiwi, I have nothing but admiration for your spirit and daring nature. I know you are truly looking forward to the sky dive, and I will be sure to catch your post on how much fun it was.
For things I cannot or will not do, I live vicariously through others, and love to hear the stories!

At 1:54 PM, Blogger Neo said...

Kiwi - Take me skydiving with you!!!

At 2:47 PM, Blogger Using up the words.... said...

Hey Kiwi.
Hope the Lab is all sweet, and you can have an awesome day off tomorrow! Fancy not having lectures on a Friday. hehe. Bring back the days of uni I say.

Have you got that film developed yet? I went and got a whole lot of my pics developed today, and really happy with them. Look foward to catching some more of yours.

Kia Kaha!

At 4:23 AM, Blogger Robert said...

DAVID! its been a while, things are great in the states, but it looks like they are even better down in New Zealand! im jealous, that place is soooo beautiful, im stuck in the city but i manage to spend some late nights out looking at the stars--- with someone special ;)! Drop me a line and let me know a phone number i could reach you at, i might get a phone card or something and try to call yall! Later~~~


At 1:04 PM, Blogger Army Girl said...

I have no idea how you found my blog.. but I'm glad you did. Thanks so much for happening by!


Army Girl

At 4:07 PM, Blogger ¡OptimoAsiatico! said...

Thanks for the lovely comment on my blog! It really would have been an awesome photo, and had my camera had batteries I would totally have taken a picture of it. Murphy's law is sad like that though...the best shots are always lost that way. How did you find my blog?

At 4:46 PM, Blogger karen! said...

Hey, I found your site by linking from Jules's site. Maybe you are familiar? Anyway, I loved your pics on the other site and I even saved a few on my pc. Don't know what I would do with any of them, maybe us as a background on my desktop? Beautiful! I will be checking back again.

At 4:52 PM, Blogger Some Random Girl said...

by the way.....HOW CUTE are you???? Way cute! You cute little Kiwi! ~The BAvarian Beer Wench! ;)

At 11:58 AM, Blogger Kiwi (no not the fruit!) said...

morgs - thanks I ripped that Lab up, now just gotta stress about the exam for that stupid class!

Ellen - Cheers , I will definitely post about the dive, will be great. Will get my friend to take some pictures.

Neo - hey man its this saturday, your Friday, what better excuse to get off work, just say that you've got to fly to NZ for an 'Emergency Jump' National security and all that!!

UUTW - Yeah love the freedom of Uni, just would be nice If I really had a passion (again) for Electrical Engineering.

Hey Robert thanks for saying Hi, been a long time. Sounds dangerous!!! ;p Will email you and give you my Number. Catch you!!

Pheonix - its my pleasure, your awesome - It would be the best someday to hear on your blog that you made something impossibly hard like Snipers or DELTA!! It doesn't matter if your a Chick, you be the best at what you do and thats it, you get massive respect, though you already got respect from me :)!!!! Will happen by reguarly!

Surrender - your so welcome, that story you told was brilliant - I just thought that you could honestly win an award for a picture of that!!

karen - he he, yeah Jules is Hot ;-o Well thanks for liking the pics that much!! Will definitely post more, especially after seeing how much I enjoy it!! Please do check back:)

Jules - he he, Thanks;) I don't have any saucy constumes though :p You'll have to keep an eye out for more pics of me, see if they confirm your statement or not LOL!!


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