Wednesday, May 02, 2007


THIS IS A TEST POST, just to prove that my IQ isn't so low that I couldn't figure out the stupid, stupid Google change over!!! I seriously have battled to just post comments on peoples sites, even down to using computers that wouldn't let me post anonymously!!!

I'm sitting at a computer, I've finally logged myself in (and its let me). I'm exhausted, its my final year of uni (essentially) and I've been working on the usual papers plus a full year industrial project. It's been great, only my body's telling me the opposite!

I am going to post a bunch of pics when I have time, of birthdays, dune sliding events, morning sunrises, and hopefully some good scenic shots, but we'll just see if there is time for all that!!
First Pic is of Brent Jumpin off a Wharf, when he really shouldn't have!!

Next is a shot of duning experience we had, lots of fun, only our custom boards we built stank!!

Next is a shot of us going on a Grade 5 rafting trip, loads of fun, highly recommend anyone who can swim to do it!
Next is a sunrise from the same rafting trip, we stayed down the line! (Further South)

Take care Guys, don't do anything I wouldn't do:)

PS: This post is dedicated to Neo, whom visited my site and commented, I tried (many times) to comment on his site. Now that I can log in, I'm gonna go over and say Hi :) Cheers Neo, hope things are better than they were bro!!

PPS: Annie, hope this quells your wanting to rip me from your list of blogging friends!!?



At 12:33 PM, Blogger Neo said...

Kiwi - Awww thanks. Nice picts. I ran into the same problem with blogger, but it didn't take me quite as long to fix. ;)

I just started a story on JBI, check it out when you get a chance.


- Neo

At 12:34 PM, Blogger Neo said...

PS. I added you back into my links now that I know you aren't dead. :)

At 4:51 PM, Blogger Annie Els said...

Woohoo! Wanting quelled, for now.

At 7:54 AM, Blogger Kiwi (no not the fruit!) said...

Neo - cheers man, Well I was just so stressed out I couldn't handle it when it messed up everytime (least thats the excuse I'll stick to! :) Will check it out :)

Annie - Phew Was worried for a second there, wouldn't want to incur the wrath of Annie ;p

At 12:53 PM, Blogger Neo said...

Kiwi - Hahahaha, I get it. *wink wink* LOL


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