Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Acrobat show and the Zoo :)

Well sorry its late but Happy Chinese New Year! I managed to get some tickets to the Acrobat show (due to the fact my Boss organised it), for Chinese New Year, it was really good. Some of the stuff was impossibly hard, you couldn't help but flinch as they just about failed, but never did!! I got dressed up for the occasion and so did my Friends, it was heaps of fun, as we never get the chance to get dressed up formally very often.

We thought the dressing up was so much fun that the following weekend we did it again for the Jazz Festival!! Even got myself a bowtie and Hat, it was so funny at the festival. We got our picture taken for a local newspaper, then got our picture taken with some ladies and then later on this asian guy. We cracked up at all the looks and questions we got asked. We even got told by some Drunk Ladies that we'd look better naked, man I was not expecting that. We managed to diffuse that situtaion by joking about it! Later on my back was so sore from walking around for ages so I wanted to leave or at least find a place to sit. My Brother wanted to catch up, which turned into more of an issue than it should have been. But that was due to the crazy traffic around the Festival, I'm certain most of the City was there!! Still it was nice in the end to Catch up with my Brother, he asked me to be his Best Man at his wedding, I was and am so proud to have been asked :) It will be cool, now I need to think of some fun stuff for his Stag do etc.!!

We had a Public Holiday on Monday, Waitangi Day, and it was really nice to have a break from work. There is actually quite a bit of Controversy over this holiday every year. My Friends and myself decided to go to the Zoo, I've never been to the zoo before! I thought it was fantastic and a great opportunity to try out a new old lens I just purchased. A part of me felt sad for the animals, even if their enclosures were more like pieces of home than enclosures. Though there are good things about the zoo, like breeding to keep some species from extinction, that all said I still felt a bit stink. The photos from the lens I brought came out great, just a few I didn't focus properly (guess that comes with the territory of owning a fully manual lens).

I'll post more pics on the other site, these are just a few :)

Well till the next adventure,
See you,


At 5:31 PM, Blogger Using up the words.... said...

Hey Dave!!!
Glad you had a good day off. I love the zoo... though yes, I wander around wondering about the animals being caged up. Some good and bad comes out of the situation I guess.

Love the pic. Are they otters, or beavers? I love both. Used to spend hours watching the otters at an aquarium near San Fran. They are such playful guys! Beavers... gotta love them!! Also crazy, funny to watch when they are out in the wild building dams. :)

At 12:32 PM, Blogger Kiwi (no not the fruit!) said...

UUTW - Yeah, just like this lil bit of hurt cos you realise or remember that these animals are so wild! The pic is of Otters, beavers have the big flat tail and buck teeth, these Otters have sharp teeth and are really funny too!! While I was watching them one decided to jump after a white butterfly and the whole lot of them started to chase it!!

At 10:53 PM, Blogger ndiginiz said...

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At 10:13 AM, Blogger Neo said...

Kiwi - Cgrats on being asked to be best man!

Hmmmm, stag party idea's huh?

Well depending on his fiance' you could always go for the kegger with a stripper and some porn! LOL

Seriously, over here in the states they'll have a female stripper show up as a cop and then "Pretend," to arrest the guy.

Or, you could have a large cake for your friend and then have one jump out.

I know when my friend asked me to be his best man, I took him out with another friend to a local Irish Bar that had bands playing live.

As luck would have "Smokin" Joe Frazer (Ex World Boxing Champion) was there and sung a few blues songs.

Let me know if you need any creative tips for the party. ;)

Btw, great picks!


- Neo

At 6:37 PM, Blogger - kimmy - said...

Hello =) thanks for the comment (it was one of the very rare few that didn't make me wanna clobber somebody~ ;D )

Do you take all the pictures yourself? they're so well-taken! After seeing the otter picture, i just HAD to check out your other site. that zoo you went to looks so awesome, much nicer than the ones i've seen around here...

At 4:21 PM, Blogger Kiwi (no not the fruit!) said...

Neo- Thanks man, though I don't quite know about the whole stripper thing, it doesn't quite go with the standards I have! I feel stink for all those girls man!
Thats really cool that you got to see Joe Fraser and he sung!
Cheers for what you said about my pics!

Kimmy- :) Your welcome, glad that you got a comment you deserved for a change!! Glad to have given it!

Yes I took all the pictures myself, except for the ones in which I say I didn't take them, Those are a few of me and my Good friend took them with my Camera. Glad that you liked the zoo ones, they are some of my best yet!! Look out for the next installment!


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