Oh Joy of Joy's!
Hey you all,
I was supposed to Wake at 5:45am this morning only I distictly remember turning of my alarm in my sleep! I woke at 6:15am when I'm supposed to be outside catching the bus. So I think, hey what happened here? I had two alarms, one a bedside alarm and the other my cell phone. I look to find the bedside alarm (the one I remember turning off) facing away from me so I cant see the numbers, and the cell phone is no where to be seen!!! I found the cell phone shortly after it was lost in my bed somewhere, which I found very amusing! I rushed to get ready and skipped breakfast then went outside to wait for the next bus, it came and then we ALL waited in traffic. Needless to say I'm here now and I missed my First class!! Stupid Alarm!
I think that serves as a lesson, get to bed early and don't turn your alarm off till your out of bed!!
Anyway my first week back at uni went well, Can't wait to see all the Assignments pile up. I've already got this project and its going to be a bit difficult. Its programming a Robot to just go forward in a straight line. Sounds simple right? Yeah I suppose it is, I've just had too many bad lecturers with my programming classes so I know very little (ok its more like nothing). Will have to see how things pan out. I don't like programming, its just a means justified by the end, though should that ever be the case? It supposedly will help with my Telecommunications major in the next year.
Yesterday my Flatmate and I went climbing outdoors on a real rock face for the first time. It was really cool, I took some pics, I hope they look good. Will probably post them next week , as I'll get them developed on Friday. (still got use up a few shots on the roll).
It was freaky at points but after we had set up the top rope then we were fine! It was so much better than indoors, but also a whole bunch harder in your head than physically harder.
It was quite funny because we went to a shope to pick up an extra Carabiner(biner) that we thought we needed, but we saw some Quick Draws on special so we each got one as well. It turns out we needed the extra biner and the two Quick draws! We probably couldn't have climbed otherwise!!
Well I hope the rest of this day finds you well and that you can rest easy knowing full well I'm slaving and stressing out to try and pass this degree.
See you,