Monday, July 16, 2007

WAY OVERDUE! (In many ways)

Hi guys, sorry I don't blame anyone if they aren't reading this ...... don't ask how that works! Anyhow I need to just say that things have been going well for me, and also not so well. Well in that I got marks back for some exam papers and I passed. Not so well in that I seem to hurt those closest to me :( I am under a large amount of stress to get my fourth year industrial project worked on. And I think that the stress doesn't help in anyway at all. I also have a conference paper submission to get ready by the 27, less than 10 days away, and I need results from tests that haven't even eventuated yet!! Yikes. The only things keeping me in this stupid game are my awesome friends and family. Yet its these precious people I often relate to in the poorest manner. I am so sorry guys, wish I was different sometimes.

I've got a trip planned, well okay its really only five days away freeloading on some friends down in the south Island, but it will be fun never the less. I really do need the break from my project and uni, as I have just finished my 'holidays' which consisted of three weeks working on my project! Plus its going to incorporate the campus group I belong to called Life Net, part of the Navigators. Really good bunch of guys and girls, dedicated to relating scripture to ones everyday relationship with God and the everyday relationships of people around us. Anyway Its gonna rock and will hopefully be a time of encouragement and restoration, both of which I need right now. Actually looking around me, we all need it - we have a world that wears us down every and any chance it gets. Take a moment and look at those in the room with you, on the bus, train etc and just imagine where they are at and the trials they are facing, sadest thing is we are all in same predicament. Some have hope. If you are one, share it! If you aren't one, find it!

God waits,

Bye for now,