Its really sad when you have to steal time!!
Hi guys, yeah this blog has been neglected, but I thought I'd better post a little something to say thanks for keeping an eye on it for me :)
Uni has been a real stress lately, Assignments that seem to get exponentially harder, and bad days at work. On Saturday everything seemed to go wrong, like seriously everything! I had made up this circuit for work to replace a series of bulbs, the thing that I made started shorting out and blew up (fortunately I was using it at the time!!) I felt so bad about that, stupid thing!!! Then I thought that I'd change the reports that our Point of Sales System had, Bad move, It decided to mess up on me and in the end I had to do a back up and lost all of the days sales (oops)!! I then proceeded to feel a bit ill till rock climbin in the evening. I thought that at this point maybe I should not go climbin and instead sleep the rest of my bad day away. But no I went and actually had a good climb, even doing a massive overhang Lead climbing it!! So it ended well, which was good.
Recently I started up a home theatre system, I've now saved up and go the amp and the surround speakers, I just got to save up for the Subs and the Plate amp and the materials, which will definitely be more expensive than the rest of the system put together!! I'm gonna make a custom tuned box for it, its gonna rock. Will tell you how it goes, actually will probably post some pictures, buts thats a long...... long way off yet!!
All right I leave you with a couple of pics just to say thanks, I hope that I can come back soon and post some more updates, maybe I'll put some of my homework on here and then you can share my pain :)
PS: I don't know what is going on with my pictures and I don't have the mental capacity to figure it out right now, they seem to be stored on the server though, so if you click on them you still see them. Sorry doesn't look pretty.