Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Aftermath!

Good Thursday to you,
I've finished those two tests, both of which didn't seem to go all that well, I guess this will be proved when marks (or lack thereof) are returned!
Work was good yesterday, although the renovations seemed to have halted somewhat, which means that there is still a strong possibility of me falling over something or just plain slipping over.

I must share two funny things that did happen on Tuesday though, one was when I went to the library to do some study for those stupid tests. The other was in a lecture, in which the lecturer proceeded to embarrass himself. When I was in the Library I decided to take the elevator, (this was probably the fifth time I'd taken it that day) I followed two other people into it when it started closing while I was between the doors, it hit my shoulder and I only just made it in, the real crazy thing was that there was like two or three people behind me that couldn't make it because of the psycho lift!! Crazy!!
Later on I was in my Engineering Management lecture, and our lecturer/topics have been changed (don't ask why, I don't know) when he [the lecturer] starts to explain the managerial Acronym SMART, only he decided in his wisdom that it was now spelt SMRT, we thought that maybe this version didn't have an A in it. Only with each letters explaination he got to where A was supposed to be and then realised it was missing. Now the fact that it was missing a letter isn't such a big deal but the next part is... He goes to the board and puts the A in front of the M!! spelling SAMRT!! At this the whole class erupts into laughter, I could only cringe and feel sorry for the dude, how embarrasing.
The moral for those two stories is one: don't take the lift too often your bound to get hurt and two: Always Always know how to spell what your going to put up in front of the class, and if you don't make a student to do it for you!!

Tonight I'm going to do some rock climbing, it'll be on a small wall though, so could be fun. Really need to make it a good work out though have felt a little lethargic all week. Will be able to show my flatmate the neat natural features of the wall.

Au revoir!


At 5:56 PM, Blogger Robert said...

its crazy that youve posted on thursday and its just now thursday here! i lived there for 7 weeks and it still astounds me! sounds like things are still goin well.... dont !!! anyway, you use msn right? my name is if you are on, drop me a line!

At 7:43 AM, Blogger Kiwi (no not the fruit!) said...

Hey yo Robert! Thanks for posting, think that I might just reciprocate on your site:) Its great to be the first country to experience Every new day!!
Hey I havn't forgotten about SNU, how did the chat go with your friend who is in Admin etc??

At 7:46 AM, Blogger Kiwi (no not the fruit!) said...

Deitra thanks for posting! You should go and try some rock climbing, I must admit I'm really only beginner-Intermediate skill level myself, but its an awesome feeling when you feel you've accomplished the insurmountable!!


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